
Bar Time is Here Again..

Happy happy bar time is here again! I haven't been out drinking in almost a whole week! God forbid! Last night was the return to the scene, and I have to say I had a great time, but got totally wasted. Loretta and Boog were out, as were Jaime and Janet, Jamie and Heather, WWotW was out, and is a giant whore apparently. If you can suck up to mole for free drinks, there is nothing you won't do. I wonder if X knows that his precious wife is a giant whore. THat may sound a little vindictive, and I guess it probably is, but as I am not the only person to feel this way, I feel justified in posting it.

Quote of the day:

Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect, it is an indication that you have decided to see beyond the imperfections of life.

gacked this from a message board at bondage.com


Married life...who needs it?

Finally the official, if not yet legal end to my sham of a marriage. While the most prominent feeling is one of relief, I also seem to harbor a fair amount of guilt, and anger. Guilt of course, for the escapades that have preceded this entry, and anger that my husband was unable or unwilling to make the slightest effort to improve our situation. He in fact was unwilling to even discuss the matter, and blatantly ignored any and all signs of discord.

So am I happily off to partake of the love nest offered by hillbaby? Of course not, that would be too easy, and didn't someone say that the course of true love never runs smooth? Not that I am convinced that this is true love, but it is definitely a true chemical connection. Of the mind blowing, eye rolling, incoherent thought variety. Am I shallow to place that much importance on something so basic? I don't think so. After all the failure of my marriage can directly be blamed upon the lack of physical chemistry I felt with my husband. I foolishly thought that it was unimportant and that our mental connection was sufficent for the rest of my life. That lasted almost a year.

In other news, gossip, recently died down, has ressurected with a vengance due to my newly single status. Everyone knows that there must be someone, but no one knows who. Speculation runs rampant among the bored and illiterate of my town. I will say to the wives who are currently besmirching my "good" name with claims that I tried unsuccesfully to seduce their husbands, let it be said here and now, I have never unsuccesfully seduced anyone. So if I have had your husband I have had them, and that is not open for discussion.


So, where was I?

Hillbaby continues to amuse, and to all apperances wants to continue to a more serious (ie: public) relationship. Spending so much time there lately, studies are going to be adverseley affected if I do not spend the rest of this weekend studying. Extracurriculars continue to abound to my constant amazement at the sheer amount of consumables present on a daily basis.

Husband has decided that if I wish to continue being married I will come home every night, and if I do not, then we can still live together until I get my degree. I will never understand men.


Debauchery Continued.

The debauchery continues in this American small town with unabashed glee. Having moved on to the next candidate, after X's disappointing defection, have discovered that hillbaby is really willing to put in the extra ...Effort.. To ensure his success. Added to this the aforementioned benefits, this seemed to be a very likely looking collaboration.

It's not the three little words that kill you, it's just the one, the middle one (love). In the two weeks of association that we have thus enjoyed, I have found that I like hillbaby a great deal, he is nice, kind, respectful, embarrassingly eager to please, and fantastic enough in the sack to make up for some considerable drawbacks, which so far have been few and far between. However, I have to admit to a frighteningly male reaction to those three little words, uttered this early in the game. I literally wanted to jump up and run from the room, never to return again. Finally I decided that course of action would undoubtedly ruin his masculine pride forever, and he was in fact being quite...Convincing... About my needing to stay.

I don't know what to do about this now. Have been busy making mix CD's for all my technologically challenged friends to give to their significant others. Romance can be disgusting.



I had a nice, long, insightful post all ready to publish, but as always happens when you attempt a long post, my computer vomited on me. Now I can't remember what I was posting about. I think it was about X getting back together with WWotW, and how I don't understand why I am so sad about it. I thought I didn't care, and indeed enthusiastic told myself that on every occasion. I guess it bothers me because I knew better. Hot, thin guys, don't really like girls like me, and I let him use me for everything he could get. *sigh* The sad thing is, that if he called me right now, I would probably go over there. I am stupid.

In other news, X's replacement has turned out to be quite the pleasant surprise. Besides the added benefits that no one at the bar knows him, or that we are ever together, he has a huge dick, can go five times a night, his tongue is a miracle, and he has an unlimited supply of extracurricular activities, which I choose not to enumerate in a possibly public forum. Not that anyone really reads this thing, but it is feasible that they might. He, (now to be referred to as Hillbaby) also seems to genuinely like me, and has not asked me for anything other than my company. He also calls me everyday, just to see how I am. Now for the confession, and the only bad thing about hillbaby, I think I'm better than him. I would be embarrassed if people knew we were seeing each other. I can't believe I am so shallow. X was hot, and I didn't care if everyone knew about that, hillbaby isn't unattractive, but he is a hillbaby.

I have decided that physiological chemistry is only required to reinforce my own stupidity. I can't believe I aced the first two semesters of chemistry, only to be thoroughly goat fucked by this one. Micro is suprisingly easy, statistics and human growth and development don't bear mentioning they are so easy, if it weren't for that damn chemistry!