
Hellidays are here again....

So Thanksgiving is finally over. Thankfully. *giggle* at my own stupid pun. I spent the whole break snogging away with X. Apparently we had deep conversations in the midst of my drunkeness. I also apparently gave him a big hickey in the middle of his chest. I hope his ex was mad. He did finally let me shave his crotch. He decided that he liked it!

In other news big bio test tomarrow that I have yet to study for. Chem quiz too, but that's not that big of a deal. My new Donne book should be here tomarrow! Excitement, excitement!!!!!!


Professorial Drunkeness

Last night my a&p class went out for drinks instead of lab, including the professor. much amusement was had, the prof got sloshed, and all the teachers' pet girls were hanging all over him. I'm sure he was amused. I did get to know some of the people in my class better, like Lisa, who is married with three kids, and is 35, but has a 24 year old vietmanese boyfriend.

After several too many beers too far away from home for comfort, I adjourned to the tavern. Usual crowd here, Crystal, Kathy, Teresa, Rabbit, Longhair, X. X went home with a woman old enough to be his mother,

C: I wonder if that is his mother or his date?
M: He probably doesn't care.
K&T: insane shrieks of laughter

I hope they didn't realize we were laughing at them. Lisa the bartender and Hal are fighting right now, and that is pretty funny I think.

Time to go study for finals before the helliday tomarrow.


The drama continues....

So, last night at the bar much cattiness was to be seen, much to my amusement. Lisa, still indecisive about leaving the hated cop, and secretly longing for X, was suprisingly subtle about her insults last night. Betty the pizza girl, less so. My lesbian antics with Crystal resulted in 3 phone numbers and several party offers, but we declined and I proceeded to my normal drunken destination. Drunken confessions and mumbling ensued. Guilt of others is not my forte, for I have little patience for other peoples indecision. I informed him that his immeasurable guilt didn't stop him from asking me to come over every time he sees me. He was not appreciative of this fact.

In other news boyfriend number two, while in a drunken stupor, confessed his love, and wanted to know why I got married. I told him it was because he wouldn't marry me, but he was not amused. Boys can be so much trouble sometimes.

I got an A on my history test and my chem test, so it looks good for a 4.0 semester for me, as long as I pull of the biology exam. Much time devoted to studying lately, almost as much as reading Harry potter smut.


long time no update

So, what fun and exciting things have I been up to you ask? Well let me tell you. School has been insane with huge tests and other numerous hard tasks that require, god forbid, time and effort, sigh and thought. I hate that.

One of the bars in my town got shut down, and there are a variety of reasons running the gossip mill, but really, who knows. My long time friend and drinking buddy Eduardo finally got out of jail. Very excited about that.

X continues to wallow in guilt over my marital status and his whineing is really starting to annoy me. If he wasn't so damn pretty. :P One of the other girls in love with him is starting to give me problems, and I may have to take drastic action soon.

I have found the most fascinating place for HP fanfic erotica. I am relieved to find that there are others who share my proclivites.

Vote Bush Tomarrow!!!