
Are you Fucking Kidding Me?

Hillbaby, what the fuck is wrong with you? You have really turned out to be a fucking whack job! I can't believe that your flipping the fuck out on me, when god knows all I ever did was try to be your friend. Any of your other friends call you everyday to see if your okay? You finally got a new friend with a driver's license, so suddenly I'm lower than the toilet paper stuck to the back of your shoe? That is just fucked up.

I guess I should have seen it coming, for every lie you ever told me, for all the things you never asked for, for your crippling insecurity. I truly think that you believe you were in love. I am also convinced that you have no clue what the word means. Another one you might want to look up is respect, oh and friendship. Which is not friendship if it is not reciprocal. So I guess what we had centered on a bad case of idolatry on my part, and flagrant disregard for my feelings on yours.

Do you know how I feel when you whine about how bucked up your life is? I didn't do a damn thing to deserve the total fuck job that I got, but everyone still expected me to be nice, smile, make friends. Fuck you guys. I drove your mother fucking asses around. I went to your grandmother's funeral. And now that the whore you fucked me over for left you, you have the fucking balls to think I should feel bad for you?! You have got to be fucking kidding. Even now, I go out of my way to be friends with you. God knows you never make any effort at all, and really this is my penance. I continue to hang around you, knowing it makes me feel like shit, because I think I deserve it for bucking over the good husband. Who upon our reconciliation, informed me of his plans to sleep on the couch. You think your life is fucking awful? You married a whore you had been dating for a month, and she fucked you over, man nobody saw that one coming. You need to grow up, and get over yourself, look around you and see the consequences that your actions have on the people around you.


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