
More Helliday Festivities

In light of continued helliday festivities I have decided to post some Donne, just to make myself feel better. Enjoy!

Take heed of loving mee,
At least remember, I forbade it thee;
Not that I shall repaire my 'unthrifty wast
Of Breath and Blood, upon thy sighes, and teares,
By being to thee then what to me thou wast;
But, so great Joy, our life at once outweares,
Then, lest thy love, by my death, frustrate bee,
If thou love mee, take heed of loving mee.

The Prohibition-J. Donne


Holiday Update

The holidays are here, and I hate them. Christmas was not horribl unpleasant, but we'll see how New Years' goes.

School is over till the 18th of January, very excited about that. My grades were not awful, but could have been beter.

Slutpuppy has managed to annoy me yet again, with his nasty comments, which to him are slyly veiled in innuendo, but his lack of intelectual wit is astounding, although longhair is still the epitome of cool guy. Whore lisa has moved in down the street, hopefully the increase in traffic will cause the village to widen the streets.

I have come to an awful and life changing revelation, brace yourselves, the bar is not very fun. I know, I can't believe I said that either, and please don't tell anyone. I do not yet know what to do about this unwelcome revelation,but for now I will ignore it and continue with my normal routine of drunkeness.