
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage...

College is making me fucking crazy, how am I supposed to register for spring semester when they have yet to come out with schedule books. Stupid ass web for students is down, and they have yet to fix my flashline account. I have tons of work to do, but I don't feel like it. I also have tons of housework and house related things to take care of. I need to quit drinking. Last night, Rabbitt took me to B&T's in Conneaut Lake, then back to Jerry's in Linesville on the way home. He tried to convince me to come back to his place, and I almost did, but I changed my mind. He's a little scary, so I sent him home with Elaine. Julie had pics back from when we were all trashed the other night. They were pretty funny. She and X have been pretty cosy, I wonder if its because I went home with Jerry the other day? They actually would probably make a pretty good couple, he needs a woman to be the boss of him. Stephanine has been seeing Eric the paving guy. which leaves me at the mercy of Ron and Rabbitt. Very Sad. Sigh. Guess I'll go do something.


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